Friday, December 20, 2013

Farewell 2013

As 2013 comes to a close, the white hot topics of todays fast trackers is all about getting ahead. With a renewed spirit of competition in the work and academic worlds from people across the globe functioning in survival mode for the last 5 years, there's no short supply on books, concentration music, new "techniques" to improve faster and more. For, the last 15+ years has been an intense focus and study on wellbeing, brain function, personal excellence and more. All of this is so fitting to the latest research and practices of the ambitious. From sleep and dreams to high nutrient superfoods, we've been participating in this area through the ups and downs of societies mass adoption of "Super Focus" for nearly two decades. One of the bi-products of our research and lab work is a simple pooling of our residual powders. Each harvest is different with the proportions of our high quality M-States. We call this mixture Kaleidoscope being symbolic of it's beauty and ever changing mixture. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Modern Practice

Have you been noticing the latest meme across the world right now? How to do more with less? What is talent? Does it even matter? You need 10,000 hours to master something but only 20 to become functional etc etc. This is nothing new, for millennia people have been trying to master their craft and with today's modern technology, you've got the world at your fingertips. A push of a button here and a click there and you can be expanding on the data points of quantum physics, advanced psychology, world history and more. What do we do with all of this quick information? We usually function as a pass through and rarely retain even a shred of the info if we don't apply it beyond that quick conversation. What hasn't changed is how our minds and bodies need study, repetition and consistency with skills and crafts that we pursue. Sports, music, programming, business, relationships and more still to this day take time and dedication. Now that "Google" is no longer a name of a company but an actual verb we're all a lot smarter about a lot of things....but....for our life skills, we must remain focused. With everyone looking for a short cut, an edge over the competition or a faster method for learning something the most important and critical component is usually overlooked. "Practice". With as amazing as the wealth of information that's out there on essentially anything you can want to do or learn, the act of working for it seems to be scoffed at. Our design and mental make up has changed little even with these new developments. DO you want to edge? The Upper hand? The fast track to mastering your craft? Don't forget to work for it, you'll gain the fast track. Best of luck!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

TTFN Summer

About this time of year many of us begin the feel the "last hoorah" of summer. Camping trips are planned, that family trip to the water park and a few extra BBQ's. Enjoy your summer and make the most of any season. That being said, get a little extra sunlight if you can. Vitamin D is a big deal, a really big deal and too many of us are running a deficiency. Weak immune systems, unhealthy cells which leads o a myriad of things and low energy. Have you ever noticed this gets worse during the cooler less sunny times of the year? Everyone's vitamin D needs are different and reacts to varying levels differently, but the same side effects and benefits ring true for everyone. Healthy, happy, energetic vitamin D does wonders for everyone. As we begin to trail off the shinny days, start your research on how to get vitamin d during without sunlight. There's tablets, light boxes, pills and so on but nothing substitutes the natural vitamin d our body make from UVB rays. Now, what about the sun? Lot's of chatter about the sun changing it's polarity. What does this mean? Well, it's nothing new, it happens every decade or so and this time, we may see a little more excitement since we have so much more technology. This will be interesting to observe and we'll keep an eye on it. Also up in the air is a visually stunning astroid shower August 11th and 12th. Hopefully you got to see it. Summer is fun, live it up, enjoy, get some extra sunlight and start getting ready for the seasonal change. You may be just a little healthier and happier this winter with a little kick in vitamin D. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The world has gotten in a big hurry hasn't it? Everywhere you turn, something else is demanding your time, tv, advertisements, let's not forget work, ohh yeah, and more work, not to mention our life-support system smart phones constantly reminding us of the next task ahead. You can't fall behind anymore and if you take more than an hour to respond to an email, a phone call, a text, a facebook message're just not plugged in well enough. How do we cope with all that life asks from us these days? "Unplug", that's a common one used and applied by many, but in the end, after a 2 day or even 2 hour escape, we're back to serving the world with it's long list of demands. So, how do we find to live our lives? How do we actually meet all the expectations and still feel fresh, energized and rewarded for our efforts, not to mention a little down time? The answer is a little different for everyone, we mix in the gym, a little yoga here and there, a stab at a vacation and more. Speaking of vacations, if you work 50 weeks out of the year to only look forward to 2 of them, I promise you, there's better way. Yes, there are books, movies on netflix, seminars, little pamphlets with some tips, websites and more but here's the biggest component that so many people miss. The key essential to enriching your life, enjoying your time and living. You have to actually go and do it. Easier said than done, I agree, but before you can start living, you have to actually attempt to do it. It still takes energy, time, maybe a little sweat but you have to leave the seminar, close the book,  put aside the remote and actually go and do what you want to do. So many people spend their time dreaming of a new activity, a new relationship, a new experience and get so caught up in the world, the demands, the doubts that they don't even try. The first step to living is giving it a shot. You'll see that the rest of the stuff that gets in the way often times turns our to be an illusion tricking you into thinking your couldn't do it. So what are you waiting for? Go for it!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The "Magic" Season

What's special about summer? Why all the excitement, activities and renewed happiness during this short time of the year? Sure, it's nice out and the lakes warm up and sun warms us up but it's deeper than that. It's primal. From food growth to longer days, the "sunny season" brings more to life than just a little bit of fun. Summer in general is when we plan for time to be spent with friends, family and even reconnect with detached relationships. Home buying, weddings, reunions, feasts, travel and much more all pick up over the summer. Interestingly enough, 39% of the countries population lives in coastal counties is where the sun is shining like summer more so than the rest of the country. So, nearly 40% of the country lives on less than 10% of the countries land mass because of the ocean, sun or climate? This still doesn't explain why Summer has the life changing effect that is has, even for people living in near or normal summer areas 365 days a year. Summer, this magic period is a resonating season for us to connect and grow with others. We encourage everyone to make the most of the special time of the year and follow the natural instincts to get out, connect, play, relax and revitalize. Summer is short, special and designed for us to take advantage of for a multitude of reasons. Get out and enjoy!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Immunity and Prosperity Go Great Together!

 The Spirit of this month is Immunity and Prosperity. We're a busy species, working hard, chasing down our dreams, sacrificing time and money to achieve specific goals. Often times, ones health actually makes it's way to the back burner as we work work work. This always confused me, and many other people. Without our health, nothing else really matters and not only can we add a costs to our own success, being unhealthy can actually slow down the prosperity of those around us. That's right, our own wellbeing can enrich and boost forward others around us, or even slow them down. Usually, there are weight goals, quitting smoking, eating better, getting more exercise and even sleeping better. These are the first places people put energy into usually and it may be backwards. Prosperity and health is as much a process for the mind as it is for the body. The mind usually gives up long before the body and we need to remember to put energy into developing and strengthening our minds. If our own spirit isn't on board, then there's very little chance of success at anything physical, monetary or experiential. This is why is here, to help you focus on the mind in harmony with the physical routines. From meditation to sound therapy, trace mineral super foods for the body to even dreaming better. Remember to take time out of your day to focus on your mind, meditation, yoga, Pilates, chanting, visualization or even just a quite walk. There are numerous ways to develop a stronger mind. With this rearrangement of priorities, you can achieve all of your goals much more easily. Remember, the first step to better health to achieve it all is a healthy mind. Stay the course. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Seeing histories reflection in life events becomes more and more recognizable. Either our personal experiences or the worlds, our reactions to traveling this road before or hearing stories of a path can either detract or enhance the enrichment gained from these experiences. Renewal is a potential part of this process. We can either choose to be observant of this or ignore it. Just a few months ago, the new year chimed in, new ambitions outlined and new goals put into action, or for some the tasks of life were too daunting and turned away from self development, self growth and self healing. Carpe diem, a popular saying that is regularly repurposed into the modern fad saying of the moment still holds its value. Spring, our annual reminder that Earth will begin the cycle of new life and "trying again" can teach us a lot. Our beautiful planet continues on, from the cold, the harshness, the lack of light and comes back full force ready to go again. This is the principle of our Annual Spring Renewal. New life, new opportunities, new chances to take and new possibilities are only within grasp by those willing to reach for it. We're right here with you on that path. Life awaits, go get it! As we've heard before, Carpe diem! Or in todays more popular repurposing, YOLO. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Finding Balance

Balance as a word has so many applications and ways to be applied. Work, life, tight rope and much more. It feels like that at almost any moment, regardless of age, location, gender or situation, a person is performing some sort of "balancing act" that requires constant attention and focus. Unfortunately, too common it's the unbalance that throws us off our line and requires us to pause or even start all over. From religion to politics, being single to being married, children or no children, job or no job, rich or poor,  balance is something we always seem to be pursuing either consciously or obliviously. Even more detrimental, once balance is achieved, we become so anxious about losing it that we throw our own selves into a spin. What is this mysterious "balance" we always aim to achieve? Why is this so difficult? Well, happiness is certainly one word that we could supplement balance for in many of these situations. This of course comes in many shapes and sizes and changes from one person to the next. Included in this newsletters were just a couple of examples of some popular and even ancient practices that help people achieve balance. We'd like to encourage anyone looking to find balance to continue on the hunt. It's out there, can be achieved and even grasped for longer periods of time. One of the things that too many people over look and even neglect while focused on balance is their health. When we become unhealthy, it's far too easy to fall into a vortex that makes balance nearly impossible, and even more harsh is how poor health can magnify other imbalances in our lives. From a good diet to exercise, good sleep to plenty of vitamin D, our health must be a top priority for our overall balance and.....the balance of others important to us in our lives. We hope that your path to balance is quick and once achieved is sustainable. We're here to help in anyway that we can and we love to develop some of the best health-food products available for both the mind and the body. Best of luck in your pursuits. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

New Fulfillment Capacity

We're moving out of calling it a "New Year". It doesn't take long for us to get used to signing dates with 13 and have become comfortable with calling 2012, last year.
As we continue through winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is common around this time for many to have had "enough" of winter and are ready for the seasonal change. Some are coping with a lack of Vitamin D and anxious to see more of the sun. With this often tedious time of the winter season, many have lost motivation to pursue the changes desired just weeks ago. We hope you're able to stick to your path and move forward towards your goals. Don't give up! We've been able to see some fruits from our New Years goals. has expanded the line of filling equipment. As we continue to grow, we find more needs to provide fulfillment faster, increase production, step up the tempo all while focusing on our #1 priority: Quality.
Quality not only includes striving for a perfect product, but faster shipping, faster R&D, better customer service and higher quality dreams. We're excited to share with you one of the many new upgrades to the lab we've acquired this year. is now the proud owner and user of a complete Bottle filling production system. With a precision filling system, not only can we produce thousands of bottle a day instead of hundred a week, we can free up resources to expand our customer service, reallocate man-power to shipping and much more, all in the pursuit of continually improving our entire customer experience.
Also, now has the opportunity to offer fulfillment to many of our partners out there needing to scale up production but lacking the tens of thousands in capital needed to acquire filling systems. We're very excited to see how this helps our customers over the next three years and we thank you for being with us.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The New Year- 2013

We are very excited to prepare this article for you. A new year brings a lot of contemplation, reflection, renewed ambition and hope. From career to health, money to quality of life and family. There is often times an array of new ambitions that surface and we wish you the best of luck with these goals.

We often read about new ways to stay motivated, new goal tracking systems and so on and so forth. Although these may work for some and the light of inspiration may quickly fade for others there is often something overlooked. Focus. Not just an exciting idea that we ponder and then become bored or even discourages with, but an intense focus that changes our lives.
Yes, most of us have heard that these big goals are a "life style" change but....what does that really mean? We make some new habits? We give up some old ones? Yes, but it's far more than that. The process of changing your lifestyle is one that often times comes with a sacrifice, a sacrifice that stings. Most of us can only handle the "pain" for so long then we resort back to what we know is comfortable. From yo-yo dieting to paying off credit cards then racking them back up again, hope fades, perhaps the most important ingredient to true change.
Some philosophy describes us as creatures of torture, we enjoy suffering. Other perspectives describe us as creatures of hope and joy. We say yes. We are what we decide to be, by choice, by hope or lack thereof and quickly find the end result either with a level of satisfaction and resolve we can't truly explain, or a dark place, missing hope and again, something else we can't explain.
We hope that with all the new decision and goals we pursue in this new year, they are ones we can apply a laser focus to that allows the sacrifices to sting less, the success to be greater, the resolve to be absolute and the gains to be grand.
We're here with you well on this journey. With great emotional releases the conclusion has brought to millions around the world we feel as though with hopefully a few less distractions we can all make the changes we aim to achieve.