The 2012 project for began four years ago. There were some ramblings that had begun online, a few documentaries here and there that tied together a lot of prophetic monologs that were not new but resurfacing. Only days away now from December 21st 2012, the big day, we embrace this time and are excited to recognize the "Shift" that has taken place leading up to this. It's pretty easy to take a step back and see how substantially the world has changed in the last 4 years, 10 years etc. We're the Mayans on to something? Maybe. How about Nostradamus? Perhaps. Is this a world ending event? We don't see it as one. What we're excited about are the new changes. The advancements in technology, the new found displays of humanity and compassion to others.
This has been the thought process of all along towards this event that will pass and we will awake on the 22nd renewed and refreshed. Our stance for 2012 began with "Shift", a cornerstone alchemy that symbolized a much more global transition of the human conscience to enlightenment, peace and understanding. Shift was and is a support alchemy, 2012 was an awareness product. This was the purpose of our 2012 product line, a way to document your own personal transition as we arrived to this time. From worldly observations to personal ones, we feel as though almost everyone has put some thought into this event.
It is uncommon for so many cultures, so many people, so many age groups and for such a long time to have pondered the same thing and because of this phenomenon, it is something truly special. As we bid 2012 Alchemy farewell, we welcome the "Shift" and new developments with this down the road. As so many people will be coming to closure at the same time on the 22nd, we reflect on what this 2012 event has spawned from development. Frequency and Lucid are two products birthed from 2012 R&D. Bringing together modern Science and ancient philosophy can produce things that are "strange" to a person that is new to tuning in to their inner being, however strange this may appear, more and more are discovering that we individually are in control of our own lives, wellbeing and quality of such. This is in fact the shift and we welcome this event. Though some of our fellow man may be resisting and latching on to previous ways of living, for those of us that have shifted, we must not forget to display genuine compassion, love and support for those that don't see it yet.