Thursday, December 31, 2009

Todays and exciting day! New snow and....

The team here at is always developing and pondering how to make our lives better and help make the lives of others better. Either through activities, social gatherings, stopping to smell the roses and product development.

Well, there's fresh powder, I mean snow, (but yes, a fresh run of Astralight just finished too), both in Utah and Colorado for us to snow board on. Our media group in Florida will have to suffer with long walks on the beaches for now while we play in the snow. Even with this separation, we never stop inventing, developing and more. This past summer, we were all doing our summer activities and found ourselves, even though miles and states apart, looking for new food options and of course our daily vitamins to stay fresh and spry.

Well, why couldn't we make a vitamin? The whole team stopped and realized that we couldn't find the perfect solution for our daily nutritional needs that was easy, didn't require me (Ryan) the need to focus on my leafy greens, Sean, our webmaster to seek out Iron to help tackle higher elevations while cycling here in Colorado, and the Utah crew, Erik, Dustin and John to follow their daily food regimen as our Floridian counter parts of course, still walked on the beach, so they were fine.

From this question, Fuzion was born. A discussion about what we wanted to take daily, what the body needed and what additional formulations were required to have all the perks of extracts, complexes and more. We wanted to have it all, including our M-States. So, after we answered the question about why we couldn't make one, (the answer was we could) we did make one. As a result, an entire line of Fuzion Supplement products were created.

The whole team here at is health conscious. Sure, I've got to lose a couple pounds well, maybe more than a couple, hit the Gym and shed this winter coat early so I'm primed and ready for spring and summer play and can still snowboard this winter. So, what does it mean to be health conscious? We don't believe that it means you're a health fanatic that is in great shape, spends three hours in the gym each day and lives and breathes sprouted wheat, which is very good for you by the way. Health consciousness is anyone that knows they need to be healthy and is taking steps towards that goal, or wants to take steps. Oh, and just so you know, we're here for you to help and make it easier.

The Fuzion liquid multi-vitamin was our start of inspiration. As we've enjoyed the deep ascension aspects of our M-State line, we still had to eat healthy too, but wanted it to be easier. Our liquid vitamin was our start, and that is helping hundreds of health seekers already and it's only been out for 14 days. That was a big clue to us that we weren't the only ones with this on our minds. Inspiration happens fast, but we never let that effect quality, as we only produce products that we would use ourselves. That seems to have worked pretty good so far. =)

In the next 48 hours, we'll be releasing two new products and a new bundle.

Fuzion Essentials-
As there's an athlete in each of us, Iron and Zinc play huge roles in stamina, fitness, recovery, health and immunity. (See where I'm going here?) Fuzion essentials is our M-State Zinc and M-State Iron solution with a base of Silicon, Phosphorus, Boron and Selenium. A six blend athletes dream, and mine for the rowing machine time ahead of me. You'll be able to see it on our website soon.

Fuzion Trace-
Remember Aquamin? Aquamin was one of my favorite products. I thrive on trace elements, they give me energy and I just plain feel good. Aquamin, now with a complete typical analysis break down available has been renamed Fuzion Trace as it fits beautifully in our supplement line. As it has dozens of trace elements. Similar to eating 300+ Apple peels. Now, I've never had 300 Apple peels and I got that description from a vitamin app for my iPod, but, if Fuzion trace delivers the same benefit, and no Apple peel, I'll take trace. Also, on our website very soon.

Fuzion Maintenance Bundle-
Finally, an affordable solution to the trips I make to the store each month to buy my individual vitamins, minerals, fish oils, herbal extracts, and so on. It's easy to spend several hundred dollars a month on all this stuff. Our new bundle is the best monthly solution to your underpinning health needs for a daily regimen of vitamin supplements nutrition.

Fuzion liquid vitamin, Fuzion Trace, Fuzion Essentials, M-State Copper and Probars, a month supply for under $130. Now that's more like it. This bundle was very personal for me as I've been committed to find a solution I would be happy with, Erik would be happy with and the rest of the team would be happy with. Something we would once again use ourselves, we would and therefore, it's ready for you. That'll be up soon as well.

Well my friends, than you for taking the time to read this long note here. Please, have a great new years, be safe and best of luck with what ever goals you have for 2010. If you need us, you know how to get ahold of us.

Thank you,
The team

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Resolution Evolution


The Resolution Evolution

2010 is the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese calender. Chinese philosophy says those born in the year of the Tiger will have a very prosperous 2010, overcoming obstacles and succeeding in both personal and professional life. 2010 for the rest of us, perhaps may be a bit more volatile, with large swings in success and disappointment.

It’s a horoscope, either it holds value or doesn’t. It all depends who you are and what your beliefs are. A few thing remain constant year to year regardless what thoughts you may have, and at the top of the list is self preservation. Diet, exercise and living your life all play a role in emotional and spiritual health. There are hundreds of methods to accomplish this and different approaches to this journey that have different levels of success for each individual. That being said, there are a couple of core similarities from person to person as we all inhabit a body. Our bodies need the correct nourishment, the correct sunlight, the correct amount of sleep and so on.

The human body is profound. How it operates, how it develops and defends itself are impressive and studied by Doctors and more every day. At this point, we either know a lot, or very little about the human body, but we do know that nutrition is a focal point for how our bodies function. The discoveries have been made for what need to simply stay alive. What vitamins and minerals are needed and more. That’s where comes in.

Getting your daily dose of the essentials is difficult for many. The right breakfast, the right leafy greens, the right amount of simple vs complex carbs and the list goes on and on. Without the minimums, you’ll notice your body becoming tired easily, sleeping becomes less rejuvenating, vices such as coffee and energy drinks are needed to get the artificial energy you need just to finish the day. The Fuzion line is revolutionary to any other supplement line you’ll find. Sure, we have all the things you would expect to see in a daily vitamin, but in addition, we’ve gone to elaborate and powerful herbal extracts, anti aging complexes, exotic fruit anti oxidants and of our highest quality M-State solutions.

The new years resolutions made, fail far to often due to extreme commitments to unsustainable lifestyle changes. Fuzion is your foundation to achieving your health goals with your daily dose of vitamins and minerals and more to make sure you have the building blocks to start the new year. For those that are evolving their health plans, Fuzion is the perfect addition to you daily regimen of healthy practices to enhance the quality of life. is producing additional product for the Fuzion line. Such as Fuzion Essentials, a unique blend of M-State Iron and Zinc with mineral elements Boron, Selenium, Phosphorous and Silicon for all users. Also, Fuzion Trace, a trace element complex with over 12 body supercharging trace minerals that are true superfood for the body and soul.

In 2010, we wish all of you the best of luck with your health goals on all levels. is hear to help you along the way. We look forward to being a great informational website for you as well, with forums, blogs, articles and more to assist in you resolution evolution.

Thank you again,

The team.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New Launch Excitement

This is very exciting. With a new website, new products and more, this launch has been amazing. We've only had the new site now for 6 days, and the response to the new products and site is amazing!!! We thank you so much for your help and patience as we went through this rebranding process. in the socials is exciting too!!! With new members joining and participating in the forums and discussions we thank you for your participation! That's the goal is to have everyone contribute so we can all have the clearest understanding of our products.

We have so many new things lined up in the pipeline and can't wait to share them with you. Expanding the supplement line, adding new ways to enjoy health and living. We are thrilled to remain in the forefront of R&D in this exiting community. We look forward to you continuing the enjoyment of our products and resources to enhance your quality of life.

Thank you,

The team.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The New is all new. New web, new products, new marketing, new socials, new media and more. We've spent months on this new webpage and hope you enjoy. We'd love to know what you think. Our new Fuzion product is amazing!!! A daily vitamin with M-States, the ultimate combo. We've added a new social where you can gather, discuss M-States, health, philosophy and more with us.
We want to thank all of you for your support and patronage to over the last ten years. Our R&D, product selection and being the number 1 M-State provider, manufacturer and distributer in the world is because of you. With the additions of myspace, twitter, youtube, facebook and more we look forward to keeping in touch and hearing from you however is convenient with you.

We'll talk to you soon!!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009


We're thrilled here at to announce our new Fuzion product!! A daily vitamin packed full of vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts and more! Of course, we have our own M-States formulated to it as well. This precision blend is great for anyone looking to increase health and awareness through a daily use. Fuzion allows you to eliminate all the clutter in your medicine cabinet and reduce expensive supplements purchased for multiple reasons. Saving money by using a total solution health supplement you no longer needing to buy a daily, then load up on other vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system during the cold and flu season, then also purchase addition products to help with energy, anti-aging and more! Fuzion is a daily use superfood to cover all of these needs year round. We are so excited to be able to offer these great benefits to you as a total solution so everyday you can be at your peak for energy, quality of sleep, immune defense, increased lucidity and clarity of thought.

We know you'll enjoy Fuzion!!!